Shipping Policy
We can ship products anywhere in the United States using FedEx, UPS, or freight carrier if necessary. When you place an order we will estimate delivery dates based upon the availability of your item(s). Shipping charges are determined by the total dollar amount, weight and size of your order, delivery address, and excludes any applicable sales tax.
Return Policy
If you are dissatisfied with your order for any reason, you can return your items within thirty (30) days of the purchase date for a prompt refund or exchange. Refunds for in-stock items will be credited in the same form as the original payment type. Refunds for special ordered items will be in the form of a credit redeemable on your next purchase less a 20% restocking fee. The original shipping and handling charges are not refundable.
Contact us first to begin the process of returning your item. Once you speak to one of representatives, please include a legible copy of the original invoice, and mail your package in a prepaid, insured, traceable method to the address below.
1815 S 39th Avenue
Phoenix, AZ 85009